The relative scarcity or abundance of food in the Indo-Pacific region is
largely a question of the viewpoint and background of the person considering the
subject. The average American in most cases would be convinced that in some
localities there not only was a scarcity but actually a total lack of food, while a
native of the area would find plenty to satisfy his requirements. To the taste
accustomed to European forms of food, many items available locally might not
at first seem palatable, in fact would probably be regarded as wholly
unappetizing, yet they have the merit not only of sustaining strength and preventing
starvation but also of being easily obtained. Seafood is an excellent example.
Throughout the Indo-Pacific area, shellfish (mollusks) form a large part
of the food supply of the natives. This is particularly true of the marine mollusks. On
inhabited islands and along the coasts of larger bodies of land, villages
usually are placed near beaches. At ebb tide the native population will be found
busily engaged in gathering the shellfish exposed on the surface or hidden under
rocks and blocks of coral. There are hundreds of different kinds of mollusks in
the region, and the supply appears to be inexhaustible. Practically all serve the
local people as food.
Anyone stranded on a beach or shore should have little difficulty in
maintaining himself for an indefinite period on this abundant source of food. All
he need do is work along the beach when the tide is out and gather a supply. Shellfish
can be eaten raw, as we eat oysters, and the juice coming from clams
is not only nutritious but serves to quench the thirst as well. The shells can be
crushed with a rock or a piece of wood and the animal extracted. Shellfish can
be cooked by covering them with sand or earth and building a fire over the
pile. When this is done they steam in their own juices. They can also be cooked by
being dropped into a pot of boiling water. Some of the commoner types of mollusks
or shellfish are shown in the accompanying sketches. They are found on
reefs and beaches everywhere throughout the Indo-Pacific region.
The names of these various types are: (1) top shell; (2) horn shell;
(3) turban shell; (4) conch shell; (5) cone shell (this and other members of the
cone family are dangerous); (6) nerite; (7) cowry; (8) limpet; (9) moon shell;
(10) corbicula; (11) cockle shell; (12) venus clam; (13) another venus clam;
(14) bear's paw clam; (15) ark shell.
![[Shellfish -- Indo-Pacific Area]](pics/shellfish.jpg) |
There is one group of mollusks, fortunately not common, that should be
avoided. These are the cones, so named from the cone-like shape of their shells
(see No. 5). Because of their characteristic form, they are easy to recognize. They
have poisonous teeth, and their bite is similar to that of snakes. They
should be left alone or, at least, be handled with considerable care.
Attention may be called to the fact that certain mollusk shells are important
for other purposes. For example, the mountain tribes of the interior of New Guinea,
especially in the western half of the island, regard cowry shells (No. 7) as
the most valuable medium of exchange. They use the small
shells, those that are about three-quarters of an inch long and look much like a
large-sized coffee bean. A man with a pocket full of them could obtain from the pygmy
tribes located in that region all the necessities required to satisfy his wants for
many months. These people have little regard for any other articles that might
be offered for trade purposes. The pygmy-like tribes of the central mountains
in the Dutch half of New Guinea are a friendly and helpful people. Even individuals
may appear among them in safety. They are industrious agriculturalists, with
considerable surpluses of taro, yams, and sugar cane that could he obtained
by use of the cowry shells in barter. On the other hand, except for limited areas
near the coast, the larger Papuan peoples of the lowlands and the northern
mountains are likely to be dangerous to small parties of strangers. The money
cowry is a beautiful shell, light-straw color above, and white at the sides and
below. Most of the shells used for that purpose come from the Malabar Coast in
southwestern India and from the Maldive Islands.
Land and freshwater mollusks can also be used, but they are rather
difficult to obtain. There are a great many forms, including the snails, occurring
under different conditions. Some kinds are found only in the hills; others,
in the valleys. Some prefer the recesses of the woods, and others the open
meadows. Some varieties cluster around limestone rocks; others prefer sandy
or clayey districts. Some live only in still or gently flowing waters, while
others are never found except where the current is strong and rapid. All of these
forms are edible and can be used in the same manner as the marine mollusks. It
is safer if the freshwater forms are cooked before eating, as there is some
possibility of pollution from the places that they inhabit. As a rule, however, the
land and freshwater mollusks are so hard to find that unless a man happened to
run across a concentration of them it would be a waste of time to try and locate
them, especially since other forms of food are usually to be had.
In addition to the mollusks, crabs and lobsters are to be found in the
crevices and among the rocks on reefs and rocky shores. Included among the
crabs is a large swimming variety that is related to our Chesapeake Bay blue
crab (they turn red on being cooked). This form is distinguished by the
paddle-like shape of the last pair of legs. Crabs and lobsters can be caught at night,
as that is the time when they generally move about. They may be stunned with
stick or stone, caught in the hands, or trapped. Traps baited with fish or
animal flesh are commonly used by commercial crab and lobstermen, but probably
would not be practical except in the case of more or less permanently
established shore parties. A dip-net, fashioned by making a hoop from a shoot
or small branch and interlacing strips of palm leaves or fibers, or a net made
from an article of clothing, is most useful in taking these creatures. Spiny
lobsters or sea crawfish do not have large pincers on their front legs, but do
have "thorns" or spines on their backs. These can produce severe lacerations
if seized by the bare hand. Hence the hand should be protected, if possible, by
stout glove or some equivalent. Spiny lobsters may be caught by placing a
dip-net behind them and, with the foot, touching their antenna, the long flexible
processes projecting from their heads. This causes the creature to move backward
quickly into the net or bag, which must be yanked up immediately. Crabs also
occur in freshwater lakes and streams, both in the mountains and on the plains, and
frequently travel about on dry land. Some, such as the purse-crab of the
East Indies, may be found on the trunks of trees.
As far as is known, all crabs and lobsters, whether marine, freshwater,
or the land forms, are fit for human consumption provided they are fresh. Salt-water
forms can be eaten raw with little likelihood of bad effects, but all land
and freshwater crabs should be thoroughly cooked. The land crabs, particularly
in Asia and the closely adjacent islands, are infected with lung parasites that
are often fatal to human beings if the crabs are consumed in an uncooked condition. The
best way to cook crabs and lobsters is to drop them alive into boiling
water. Thus there is no danger of decay before cooking, and they become sterilized
at the same time. The shells and pulpy gills are easily removed after
cooking. Most people insist that the gills (sometimes called the deadmen's
fingers) be removed immediately. Actually they are harmless and will cause
no trouble if eaten. They have acquired a bad name because they are about the
first spot to spoil, but all danger of this is avoided by immediate cooking
and eating.
Another source of food is in the freshwater shrimps that abound in all
the streams of the Indo-Pacific area. There are two major kinds, the larger
forms with an elongated second pair of legs, often called crawfish by those not
familiar with the proper technical terminology, and a host of smaller varieties
averaging about an inch in length. Commercially, shrimps are taken in various
kinds of traps baited with fish and meat scraps. They can be caught in other
ways, however, in sufficient quantities to furnish an ample supply. Along larger
streams, in the shallow places near the shore where water is nearly stagnant, masses
of small shrimps may be found swimming about and be taken with hand nets. Best
results are obtained by people working in pairs and standing in the water. One
drives the hosts of shrimps towards the other, who dips them out
with the net. In some areas the natives will dam a shallow, narrow
stream, making a fairly water-tight barrier of branches, sticks, large
leaves, mud, and sand. As the section downstream runs dry, the shrimps
stranded there or hiding among and beneath rotten pieces of wood,
branches, leaves, in the crevices between the rocks, and among
roots or other debris, are collected. Fish and crabs are often
obtained at the same time. The best yield, however, comes from bailing
dry the many pools and puddles still remaining in the bottom of the stream
bed. Anything that can be picked up to serve as a scoop is used to dip out the
pools, or small dip-nets are made on the spot for that purpose. Where bushes
grow along the edge of a stream, and the branches droop down so that some of
the twigs and leaves are in the water, large catches are sometimes made by
lifting the branches out of the water and catching the shrimps as they drop off
the leaves. This produces better results if it is done at night, as the shrimps
seemingly leave the bushes during the day.
Shrimps usually are cooked by boiling. In the larger forms only the
abdomen (the tail end) minus its shell is eaten. The shell is easily removed
after cooking. The small forms make good soups or stews when cooked whole,
but if they form too great a part of the diet and are eaten continually
over a period of time, the shells may produce diarrhea. This can be avoided by
straining the soups or stews before using or before adding some other bulky
food substance.
Other small shrimp-like animals (the mysids, sometimes called
opossum-shrimps) occur on both sides of the Peninsula of India in brackish
water, lakes, and estuaries along the coast. They are particularly plentiful
in Chilka Lake on the Orissa Coast, the east coast of India. Similar
species, though perhaps in not as large numbers, should-be found elsewhere
in the Indo-Pacific region. The mysids swim in large shoals a short distance
below the surface, keeping in the shadows cast by rocks or other objects. Each
shoal has its own "beat" to which the majority of the members confine their
movements. As a rule, each individual swims the whole length of the "beat" and
turns when it comes to the end of it. Occasionally single members will turn
at the halfway point, and some will now and then break away and swim out
from the sides of the shoal, but they always return after going a short
distance. The general tendency of the shoal is to move in an elongated
figure eight. The "beat" is never more than one foot wide and may be
from 3 to 6 feet long, its limits apparently being determined by the size
of the shadows in which the shoal moves. The mysides can be caught by straining
the water through a piece of cloth. The natives usually mix them with
turmeric, obtained from the tuber or aromatic root of the turmeric plant, boil
and dry the mass, and eat it with their rice.
Fishes are, of course, one of the most abundant types of food available on
the reefs, in the lagoons, and in the sea. At night some species come close
in-shore and swim along the surface. By remaining still, a person can hit them
with sticks or spear them with a sharpened pole as they surface. The outer
margins of reefs usually contain channels, and on the surface of the reef are
pools among broken rocks and coral blocks. Fish frequently swim into these
places at high tide and leave as the water recedes. It is possible to trap them
at such times by blocking the opening with rocks, sticks, or leaves from palm
trees. Stones also may be built into low walls extending out into the water and
forming an angle with the shore. Fish can be driven into this neck or narrow
channel, and into a pool at its inner end, and there be confined in the manner
mentioned above. In many cases it may be advantageous to keep them alive until
needed, a fresh supply without danger of spoilage thus being provided.
There are a few fish occurring along rocky and coral reefs, and along the
muddy or sandy shores of tropical seas, that may be poisonous. Those of this
nature most likely to be caught are the parrot fish and the puffers, shown in the
following sketches. They apparently develop this condition by feeding on small
poisonous animals or plant-like growths along the shores. The condition
seldom, if ever, prevails in fish found in the open sea. To be on the safe
side, the puffers and parrot fish should not be eaten unless it is certain that
they are not contaminated. If it is known that people native to the area are
using these fish, they may be regarded as safe.
![[Parrot Fish and Puffer Fish]](pics/fish.jpg) |
Freshwater fish occur practically everywhere. Probably none are
poisonous except for the spines in the lower front fins of the catfish, which are
similar to the catfish in America. In Indo-Chinese countries, air-breathing
forms of this fish are common and are found even in the ricefields, in areas
where that grain is grown. As the dry season comes on, these fish bury
themselves in the mud and go into a dormant state. They can live out of water
indefinitely as long as they are kept slightly moist; often they are dug up with a
spade from what appears to be completely caked soil. In most areas, fish can be
seined not only from most of the streams but also from small, roadside ditches. Simple
seins or dip-nets can easily be woven from palm leaves or even be made
from a shirt. In some of the Solomon Islands, the natives have an ingenious
method of catching fish. They make a hoop by lashing together the ends of a
shoot or small branch, and then place the hoop in the forest where webs indicate
the presence of large spiders. The spiders then weave a net in this frame, the
web being heavy enough to serve the purpose. A large ant or grub is then
placed in the frame, and it is floated on the surface of a pool. When wet, the
strands of the web do not show. A fish seeing the "bug" floating on the water
makes a strike for it, its teeth become entangled in the web, and it is caught. In
parts of New Guinea, a somewhat different system is used. A larger frame is
made, and the natives then go into the jungle where there are many large spider
webs. By passing the frame back and forth through a number of these webs, enough
of the strands become fixed to it to make a satisfactory dip-net.
The flesh of any freshwater fish should not be eaten raw because it may
contain intestinal parasites that will have ill effects on human beings. The fish
can be broiled over open coals if nothing is available to cook them in, or, of
course, can be fried or boiled.
When more fish are caught than are required to satisfy immediate
needs, it is possible to preserve them for a time by cutting the flesh into small,
thin strips, washing them with salt water, and hanging them in the wind and
sunshine to dry. Another method, suitable for varieties a foot and less in
length, is to slit open the fish, remove the entrails and boney structure, wash with
salt water, and cut diagonal slits about an inch apart across the sides of the
fish, preferably from the inside where it has been laid open. If salt is available it is
rubbed into the cuts, if not they may be washed with salt water. The fish is then
hung in the sun or placed on the surface of a rock with the cut portions exposed. If
dried on rocks they should be watched and guarded against ants and other vermin. Under
ordinary conditions these methods should preserve the catch for several days.
On the open sea, it is often possible to attract fair-sized fish to a small
boat or raft by means of a light at night. They can then be picked up
in a dip-net, speared, or sometimes be struck with an oar or boat hook. Of course, the most
satisfactory way to catch them would be by means of a hook and line, and these
items might well be included in the material placed in kit boxes in boats or on
rafts, or a person could make a practice of carrying a short piece of line and a
hook in one of his pockets. Frequently a pearl button (or some other kind of
light-colored button) placed on the hook is all that is needed in the form of
bait. Failure to catch larger fish need not be too discouraging, however, because small
edible fishes and crabs can usually be found in masses of floating seaweed. If the
seaweed is lifted carefully from the water and shaken over the bottom of the
boat or raft, the fish and crabs will fall out. The uncooked flesh of any fish when
fresh and caught in the open sea, out of sight of land, is edible. Their blood is
drinkable, and the juices in the flesh are much less salty than sea water. This
helps considerably when the supply of drinking water is limited or has been used
up. Even shark flesh may be eaten. Although they are likely to be somewhat
salty and have a tendency to increase thirst, the thick fleshy weeds floating in the
open sea can be chewed, furnishing some moisture and nourishment.
Eels of various kinds are edible. However, snake eels, moray eels, and
some other types resemble sea snakes that are found in certain tropical waters. The
sea snakes are very poisonous and should be left alone. They are easily
distinguished from eels because they have boney plates (scales) - see accompanying
sketch No. 1 - covering their heads and bodies, while the eels (No. 2) do not. This
characteristic is shown in the sketches, which compare the two forms. In
swimming, the eels glide easily through the water, while the sea snakes tend
to wriggle as snakes do when moving on land.
![[Sea Snake and Eel]](pics/sea-snake-eel.jpg) |
NO. 1: SEA SNAKE -- NO. 2: EEL |
Sea turtles breed on sandy shores and little islands. By following the
obvious trail that they make across the land, their eggs may be found. They are
reputed to be delicious when cooked for half a minute in boiling water. They will
not hardboil like fowls' eggs, regardless of how long they are cooked. If it is not
possible to boil them, they can be placed in the sun until thoroughly warmed and
then be eaten. In eating them, one bites a hole at one end of the "elastic" shell
and squeezes the contents into the mouth. The turtles themselves are a source
of good food, but some equipment is needed to prepare them. If it is a small
specimen, it can be handled by one man. They can be caught with a fish hook or
by tossing a noose around the neck. When this has been done, the creature should
be held in place by putting a foot on its back; the neck is drawn tight over a piece
of wood or a rock and severed with a knife or ax. The head retains life for some
time and can still bite viciously after it has been removed, so it should not be
handled carelessly. The body is then turned on its back, and the thin shell and
heavy skin which connect the bottom and top parts of the shell are cut through.
During this operation one must guard against being clawed by the moving feet
and legs. Remove the entrails. If it is a female with developing eggs, toss them
into the pot. After the viscera have been removed, cut off all of the meat left
on the body and legs, or simply remove the legs and toss them into the pot, as
cooking will loosen the flesh. Then cut through the unfused portion of the ribs at
either side of the center of the upper or back shell (the carapace), remove the
central spine, and obtain the good meat concealed behind it. This whole process
is greatly simplified if the turtle or tortoise is one of the smaller forms and can
be dropped whole into a pot of boiling water. The cleaning and cutting is much
easier after cooking. In the case of the large specimens, two or more men would
be needed to do the work but the procedure would be the same.
Drinking water may present as serious a problem as any that may rise
when one is separated from the usual source of supplies. Low sand islands in the
Pacific area often rise from the beach to an elevation of 35 to 40 feet, and from
this high point slope inland toward a central basin which may or may not include
a lagoon of salt water. By digging near the foot of the inner slope, water often
may be found at a depth of from 3 to 5 feet. If no supply is obtained from such
places, it is well to try digging a hole some distance from the beach. Do not go
deeper than the first water found. Fresh water, being lighter than sea
water, has a tendency to remain on the surface of the salty water when rains soak
down through the soil. Thus the surface water is fresh, or nearly so, and
drinkable. The well should not be dug too deep or it will strike salt water. Care
should be taken not to stir up the water at the bottom of the shallow well. As a
last resort, a hole can be dug at low tide just below the high-tide mark. This
will yield water that may be brackish and discolored, but it can be used. Limited
quantities should be taken the first day or sickness may result. Some relief can
be obtained by resting for an hour or two in the salt water of the sea with the
body covered to the neck. When this is done a certain amount of moisture is absorbed
through the skin.
On islands covered with jungle, there often are many air plants in the
trees. The bases of the leaves of these air plants hold water for a long
time. It is necessary to strain out bugs, wrigglers, and an occasional frog, but
the water is good. Where there are coconut palms, there is always a source of
drinking water in the nuts. Green nuts are best but the fluid is good in any of
them. Trim off the husk on the free end to a point, chop off the point so as to cut
the top of the shell inside, and there is a cup containing coconut water ready to
drink. A heavy bush-knife or machete is really essential for this operation. In
the last extremity, blood of sea birds will furnish a certain amount of fluid.
The strongly flowing streams and springs of the upper parts of the mountains
on the larger islands and portions of the mainland are quite safe to drink
unless, of course, a hill village is somewhere upstream in the vicinity. In
the lowlands, which may be densely populated, the water in all streams is likely to be
polluted. Standing water anywhere is dangerous. Where there are settlements
or small villages, one can drink from a well in an emergency. If possible use the
water from a well located some distance from the center of the village. The
safest procedure, where it is at all practicable, would be to boil the water or to
treat it with some of the chemicals provided for that purpose.
Mention of the need to cook the shrimps, crabs, and other sea food raises
the question of what can be used for a container. Where bamboo is available
a section cut from a bamboo stem, the cuts being made below two of the nodes
occurring at intervals along the stem so that one end of the section is left
closed while the other is open, furnishes a suitable vessel for improvised
cooking. The bark or rind on the green bamboo is so durable that water can be
heated in it sufficiently for cooking before the fire chars and burns it through.
Stone-boiling, a form of cooking formerly common among the American
Indians, might also be used. When this method was employed, hard flat
stones, approximately the diameter of an ordinary saucer, or round ones a little larger
than a baseball were heated in a fire until very hot and then were dropped into
a container holding water. Vessels used for this purpose were water-tight
baskets, containers made from bark, and skin bags or pouches. In most cases
the system followed was that of partially filling the vessel with water and dropping
in a few hot stones. When the water was hot, more was added together with
other hot stones. This continued until the desired amount of water was
ready. The food to be cooked was then dropped in and other heated rocks were added
as needed to keep the "pot" boiling. Sticks or rudely fashioned tongs were used
to handle the heated stones. Frequently a small branch, bent in the middle to
function in the manner of a nutcracker, was used for the purpose. Whether or
not this method of cooking would be applicable would depend on the availability
of hard, compact stones and of a piece of canvas or some other fabric that
would hold water. By digging a hole in the ground and lining it with some such
material, a usable container would be provided. In compact, clayey soils the
earth itself would hold water sufficiently long for such purposes, although
anything cooked in it would tend to taste "muddy". In emergencies, however, even
that might not be wholly unpalatable.
Note: The foregoing article was prepared at the Smithsonian Institution
from memoranda submitted by members of its staff.