[Lone Sentry: FM 6-20: Tactical Employment - Field Artillery Field Manual]
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FM 6-20: Tactical Employment
Field Artillery Field Manual, War Department, February 5, 1944
[DISCLAIMER: The following text is taken from a WWII U.S. War Department Field Manual. As with all field manuals, the text may be incomplete or inaccurate. No attempt has been made to update or correct the contents of the field manual. Any views or opinions expressed do not necessarily represent those of the website.]


Chapter 1. General
Section I. Role and characteristics
III.Types of fire
IV.Types of employment
V.Tactical organization for combat
VI.Command and staff
VII.Plans and orders
Chapter 2. Tactical Functions
Section I. Reconnaissance
V.Coordination with supported arm
VI.Fire direction
VII.Signal communications
IX.Artillery and air support
Chapter 3. Troop Movements, Halts, and Bivouacs
Section I. General
II.Artillery on the march
III.Artillery with march security detachments
IV.Rail and water movements
V.March halts and bivouacs
Chapter 4. Offensive Combat
Section I. Artillery in offensive combat
II.Artillery in defensive-offensive
III.Artillery in pursuit
Chapter 5. Defensive Combat
Chapter 6. Artillery in Retrograde Movements
Chapter 7. Artillery in Special Operations
Chapter 8. Supply and Evacuation
Section I. Ammunition supply
II.Maintenance and salvage

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